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The Best Website Host for Photographers is Showit: Here’s Why

Branding, Marketing • October 23, 2023

In the realm of commercial photography, your online portfolio is arguably one of the most important aspects of your business. Choosing the right platform for your website isn’t a decision to be made lightly. I’ve experimented with various platforms throughout my career, and I can confidently say that Showit stands out as the best website host for photographers. Here’s why:

Seamless Customization

One of the things I adore about Showit is the level of customization it offers. Photographers are artists, and our website should be a reflection of our artistry. Unlike other platforms that confine you within rigid templates, Showit offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that allows you to craft a unique online space. And while every website hosting platform has its learning curve, Showit was by far the most intuitive for me as someone who doesn’t understand coding or web design.

Mobile Optimization

In an era where the majority of online traffic comes from mobile devices, it’s crucial that our websites look flawless on all screens. Showit doesn’t just resize your website; it lets you design specifically for mobile, ensuring a consistent, professional look across devices. I also personally love that you can edit both web and mobile side-by-side to make sure everything looks uniform.

A laptop sitting on the ground showcasing a Northfolk design on Showit.

Integrated Blogging with WordPress

While Showit handles the design and display, it beautifully integrates with WordPress for blogging. This means you get the powerful SEO benefits of WordPress combined with the beautiful (and simpler) design capabilities of Showit. It’s the best of both worlds.

Excellent Support and Community

There’s nothing more frustrating than facing a technical issue and not getting the support you need. Showit has a robust support system and a massive community of photographers and designers that are always happy to give helpful advice. I’ve always found solutions to any issues swiftly, either through their detailed help center or through the Showit support chat box.

Optimized for Speed and Performance

Website speed can impact both user experience and SEO rankings. This can be especially tricky for photography websites because of our image sizing. Thankfully Showit servers are optimized for rapid content delivery. When your potential clients visit your website, they won’t be left waiting.

Best Website Templates Available

There are hundreds of great template options available in the Showit marketplace. My personal favorites are all built by Northfolk, who have consistently risen above the rest in my experience as a Showit user since 2018. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Elegant Designs with a Professional Touch

Northfolk’s designs are modern, chic, and meticulously crafted. Each template is more than just a visual treat; it resonates with a photographer’s aesthetic sensibilities. These designs will not only showcase your work but also elevate its appeal to your ideal clientele.

2. Built for Conversion

Besides just being visually stunning, Northfolk templates are built with a photographer’s business goals in mind. The layouts guide visitors effortlessly from your portfolio to your contact page or booking system, and your digital products to your email lists increasing the likelihood of turning a casual visitor into a loyal client and/or customer.

3. Fully Responsive Designs

Northfolk ensures that their templates are optimized for all device types. Whether your client is viewing your portfolio on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, they’ll get a seamless and consistent experience.

4. Comprehensive Backend Instructions and Support

Adopting a new template can sometimes be a daunting task. Northfolk eases this transition with detailed instructions embedded into their templates and they always have incredible, timely customer support. Any question or hiccup you might encounter, they’re there to assist.

    A laptop featuring instructions on how to use Nortfolk website templates which are optimal for photographers.

    Selecting the right website template and host is paramount for showcasing your portfolio. It’s not just about displaying our work; it’s about creating an immersive, memorable experience for our visitors. With Showit and Northfolk, I’ve been able to achieve this and more.

    If you’re looking for an optimal website platform for photographers, I encourage you to consider Showit. It’s a decision you won’t regret, and your photography business will thank you for it.

    I know how overwhelming it can be to overhaul your website. If you need help deciding what your website needs to attract the right clientele and make sure they have an incredible user experience, feel free to reach out for a 1:1 mentoring session with me.

    If you’d like a free month to trial Showit, use this link or my code: thehumblelion

    Find love at first sight with Northfolk like I did? Use my code thehumblelion for 15% off the template of your choice.

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